Saturday, January 14, 2012


Guess what Im doing now?



Damn ..Moral Down..

I cant imagine..

How people can live forever without working..Imagine..all the housewives..

uh..Cant think too much..Not in the mood..

Now doing nothing..just some cooking and what so ever to occupy the time..
Cleaning my junk email..

Cleaning up the room and house..

Btw..lihat lah ..hasil2 kerja masakku yg x seberapa ni..

Jap lg nk bukak blog best friend ku ..

Nak buat kuih plak..

Sambal Lada Ijau telur Puyuh

Sawi goreng bersma sotong dan tofu..nyum2
Ni first time masak..resipi Kak Zaida..My Laling love it..

Yang ni Masak Singgang..Ikan Selar kuning..ade sikit aku goreng..

Biasa nya aku masak sardin for Laling..ahaha..kenangan2..

Chiow...Blogging time..Cik Emiey..nk tiru K....

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